
Thursday 26 July 2012

Olympic Trampoline

Leap, flip, jump is what these competitors set out to do, all becoming a significant athlete. Trampolining is the sport I am talking about, our task this week is to pick a sport in the Olympics that we don’t really know much about.

The first trampoline was created by George Nissen and larry Griswold. They experimented by stretching the fabric for the tramp by using taut, (which is strong fabric) then  stretch over the steel frame and coiled springs to hold the fabric down.

Trampolining is a competitive sport, in which is the same as gymnastics and acrobatics performed in the air and bouncing on a trampoline. This sport includes simple jumps, and getting as high as you possibly can, and trying to be the best.

I have learnt a lot about this sport and would like to try it myself. Only one day, 19 hours, and 45 minutes until it all begins.

Special thanks to Tyla Baker for helping me edit my work.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Olympic trampoline is made by very best type of material on which people can jump very frequently and can do different types of stunts.


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