Now folks introducing you to my favourite place... Waitarere Beach! You might know this beach by the shipwreck hyderabad which sank and ended up on the waterfront but don’t try going there now cause all you’ll see is sand.
Waitarere beach brings back lots of memories for me. Memories like having a bach right by the water, rolling down the sand dunes with Moana and Charlie (my cousins) , riding the motorbike with kyle and having a mud fight with all the cuzzies. I especially enjoy the beach because my best friend Aleesha stayed there with me plenty of times and now we both love it so much.
Vincent Van Gogh is he particular to chose as an artist. The reason for it, it is just simply the way the picture flows and how he expressed his feeling in his art work. Especially by all the bright or dark colour to describe how he was felling.
Everyone has a special place that they’d like to be to just have fun!
Special thanks to Aleesha for taking the pic for me, Tyla for helping me by editing and reading over and over to get it perfect.
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