Have you ever wondered when Phineas and Ferb go back to school ? Well don’t worry you're not the only one. Phineas and Ferb are two young boys who are on summer holiday. In their holiday they make sure they never do something twice so they might build a submarine or a roller coaster. Meanwhile, their sister Candace is always trying to get them caught but when she finally gets her mum home, the thing they built would magically disappear.
Phineas and Ferb have always been adventurous boys and so is their pet Perry and one of their saying is “hey where’s perry”. But what the don’t know is that perry has his own agenda were he is a out to defeat his arch enemy Dr Doofenshmirtz who is always trying to rule the city and always knows that perry is coming and will set up traps but perry will always find away out and will so how make it home without them even knowing that he was gone.
Phineas and Ferb is a great program that is played on channel 40 on sky and it is for all ages. thanks for reading.
Friday, 14 December 2012
Monday, 3 December 2012
One Direction Then And Now
These five boys all come from little towns in the U.K and they had all tried out for the x-factor
as solo artist but sadly did not make it in, but instead of going home they were put together as a group by one of the judges “Simon Cowell.” They bonded together like strawberries and chocolate and you could also say they were brothers. They made it through to the next round where they found themselves in Miami California at the judges home.
Now since I’ve told you a little bit about them maybe I should tell you who they are. There names are Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis and last but not least Zayn and altogether they’re One Direction. These five boy’s have come a long way since 2010. They have been on a world tour their first album went platinum, they have over 15 million twitter followers so you could say their pretty famous and if you don’t know them then you're probably old.
Right now you’re probably thinking wow this girls must love One Direction. And yeah I do and I’m not afraid to say it.
as solo artist but sadly did not make it in, but instead of going home they were put together as a group by one of the judges “Simon Cowell.” They bonded together like strawberries and chocolate and you could also say they were brothers. They made it through to the next round where they found themselves in Miami California at the judges home.
Now since I’ve told you a little bit about them maybe I should tell you who they are. There names are Niall, Liam, Harry, Louis and last but not least Zayn and altogether they’re One Direction. These five boy’s have come a long way since 2010. They have been on a world tour their first album went platinum, they have over 15 million twitter followers so you could say their pretty famous and if you don’t know them then you're probably old.
Right now you’re probably thinking wow this girls must love One Direction. And yeah I do and I’m not afraid to say it.
Friday, 23 November 2012
We Can Finally Say Ahhh......
This term has been hard, and not just for us kids but for the teachers as-well, because it’s testing term and I’m sure not everyone likes testing.
One of the main reasons we have test’s at the beginning of the year and the end is so our teachers can see where we were then and now. Our first test was in week three were we did our writing and it had to be a narrative based on a picture of people walking a forest.Our next one was Ikan maths which is quick and basic maths problems.
And then about a week later we did our e-astle maths and reading and our lucky last test is our one on one gloss which you do with the teacher and you tell them how you got them and what was your strategy, and I must admit we all start to freak when we do that test.
As much as we act like we don’t want the test to happen were actually happy when there over because now we know we can just carry on with our normal school work and get ready for the end of the year. And yeah It will feel like forever but when its over you can finally say ahhh....!
One of the main reasons we have test’s at the beginning of the year and the end is so our teachers can see where we were then and now. Our first test was in week three were we did our writing and it had to be a narrative based on a picture of people walking a forest.Our next one was Ikan maths which is quick and basic maths problems.
And then about a week later we did our e-astle maths and reading and our lucky last test is our one on one gloss which you do with the teacher and you tell them how you got them and what was your strategy, and I must admit we all start to freak when we do that test.
As much as we act like we don’t want the test to happen were actually happy when there over because now we know we can just carry on with our normal school work and get ready for the end of the year. And yeah It will feel like forever but when its over you can finally say ahhh....!
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Reading Plus
This term we have been introduced to a new program named Reading Plus. In readings plus you first have to take a test to set you a the level you’ll begin at. Reading plus is kind of like reading eggs except the lessons are shorter and quicker.
In reading plus the first lesson you’ll have to do is a number or letter that you will have to find and count how many times you see it then put in the number and it will tell you if it’s right or wrong.
Then your next lesson is called flash (well thats what I call it) you have to memorise the sequence of letter or numbers and then put them back in. The next one is you’ll have to choose a book and then fill in the missing words. Lucky last you’ll have to read a short bit of the book at a certain speed then you’ll be ask to answer some questions which you have to get at least 70 percent in.
I think reading plus is a good program for kids cause it makes you improve they way you read and how fast you do it. I love reading plus and so far I’ve been doing it I’ve enjoyed it!
In reading plus the first lesson you’ll have to do is a number or letter that you will have to find and count how many times you see it then put in the number and it will tell you if it’s right or wrong.
Then your next lesson is called flash (well thats what I call it) you have to memorise the sequence of letter or numbers and then put them back in. The next one is you’ll have to choose a book and then fill in the missing words. Lucky last you’ll have to read a short bit of the book at a certain speed then you’ll be ask to answer some questions which you have to get at least 70 percent in.
I think reading plus is a good program for kids cause it makes you improve they way you read and how fast you do it. I love reading plus and so far I’ve been doing it I’ve enjoyed it!
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
My Christmas Project

This year for my cousins christmas present I’m making her a pair of dip dye shorts. Why? you might ask well because my cousin is very outgoing and sporty. And I wanted to give her something so she can remeber me while she’s in Australia. I have picked the colours purple and blue to use on the shorts.
Mr Barks has given us all a budget of $5.00 which should be easy because most of the things you will need you can find at home. My friend Jasmine and I have decided to work together on our project because we are doing the same sort of thing but she is doing a top.
Please stay tuned to see how the shorts turn out. Also Down below I have put a link to Jasmine’s blog so you can see how she doing on her project. I have put a photo above of some shorts that I hope mine will turn out like.
Monday, 12 November 2012
Guy Fawkes
Guy Fawkes is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Big bright, beautiful colours exploding in the air so bright you could see them from a mile away.
Guy Fawkes had arrived with not a cloud in the sky but little did they know this was the night when everything went wrong. The cracker caught a lite but they didn’t realise that It was not pointing towards the sky It was pointing to the deck were everyone was sitting. the cracker went off and all you could hear was the Dad yelling “RUN.”
His little girl ran but she was not fast enough the cracker just missed her butt as the cracker vanished another went off and hit her right on the back.
She dropped to the ground her parent’s ran to her, lifted her up and quickly took her took her to the hospital. There she was seen straight away by the doctor
she was treated for second degree burns.
After she had been treated she was then sent home and all she said was we are NEVER doing fireworks again!
Guy Fawkes had arrived with not a cloud in the sky but little did they know this was the night when everything went wrong. The cracker caught a lite but they didn’t realise that It was not pointing towards the sky It was pointing to the deck were everyone was sitting. the cracker went off and all you could hear was the Dad yelling “RUN.”
His little girl ran but she was not fast enough the cracker just missed her butt as the cracker vanished another went off and hit her right on the back.
She dropped to the ground her parent’s ran to her, lifted her up and quickly took her took her to the hospital. There she was seen straight away by the doctor
she was treated for second degree burns.
After she had been treated she was then sent home and all she said was we are NEVER doing fireworks again!
Monday, 5 November 2012
Halloween Narrative!!!
It all began on the 31st of October this day had always been a dark cold and cloudy, why you might ask? because it was HALLOWEEN.... On this day two friends named Lily-Anna and Lily had decided to go trick or treating, they both dressed up as witches and were ready to go. The first place they went was SPOOKERS. Of course It was only to get them freaked out. The first street they went down was called Redwood Terrace. Nobody ever went down there unless they were fearless and have courage and determination.
They went up this one drive, out of nowhere men came from behind a place you could never imagine...
Screaming at the top of their lung, no one was heard they thought to themselves “could this be the end”! They put up a fight, Lily-anna and Lily both commanded “If we’re going down you're coming with us”.
The men chuckled and set them free, the girls thought they were serious. These men all said “It was just a serious prank, we were never really gonna hurt you. You girls were brave to stand up for each other, and for that here’s a bag of lollies each
the girls said “WOW thanks”
“Enjoy” they replied
“Bye girls”
And that was the end of our story said Lily to her mum.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Toy Story
This term our topic is toy story and NO not the movie. Our topic is about how every toy has a story to it. The story might be that the toy made you feel safe at night, your favourite barbie, the ball that you couldn’t stop playing with and all you remember now is you had fun. So.. do you and your toy have a story?
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Reading Eggs

This term Mr Barks has introduced us to a new program called Reading eggs, Reading eggs is an online reading program which takes you through a series of stadium challenges,comprehension stories, and library books. Reading eggs all started with a test that we all had to take which put you into the right level, my level was 5-1 which my friend Andrea got as well but don’t worry we didn’t cheat because now I’m at 5-4 and Andrea is at 5-3.
In Reading eggs you can earn eggs which are like money where you can spend in the mall, you also hit targets which you get from completing a series of books or comprehension stories. In reading eggs there are many different things to do that I haven't quite mentioned yet you have your own apartment a mall and there is a writing press which we haven’t used yet and also we are NOT allowed to use the mall unless we have free time.
The picture above shows the floating island which is the home page where you can access everything plus see how many eggs you have and how many targets you have hit.Our teacher Mr Barks likes to check up on our work and how much we have been progressing with our learning.
Each day we have to do one comprehension, one of all the stadium challenges and a minimum 2 books a day.
I think that if our class keeps going with reading eggs we will get better and achieve more in our reading.
Friday, 7 September 2012
Triple Threat Take Two
Triple threat! You maybe thinking, what is that?, or what does it mean? A triple threat is something that has to do with going somewhere, you might be going somewhere and doing more than three things at once you could have a profession in many different subjects.
Now I still haven’t answered the question why am I writing about this a triple threat well heres part one. So, at the beginning of the year my Nan and Grandad moved to Australia and I haven’t seen them in almost a year and they're coming back and this will be my only chance to see them until next year.
As it turns out this is going be a very busy week because it's my best friends birthday! a surprise party and a surprise guest ME...!. My friend Matyla and I have been planning this for a couple of weeks and I am so excited. This would be the first time I’ve seen them both in months which might not sound long in a boys world but for us girls it fell's like eternity.
I called my story a triple threat because I’m doing three things at once, ohh did I also mention it’s a holiday as well but I’ll be the only one NOT at school.
I really hope Brooke has the best birthday ever and my fabulous Nan has a great time home and I'll have a great Holiday.
Stay tuned for a follow up on this story when I come back.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Triple Threat
Triple threat, you might be thinking what is that or what does it mean and why many things would someone write about this well heres the my answer. A triple threat is where you might be going somewhere and be doing many things or have a profession in lots of different subject.
Part 1
Now I still haven’t answered your question why am I writing about this ? well heres part one as the title states. So at the beginning of the year my Nan and Grandad moved to Australia and I haven’t seen them in almost a year and there coming back in about a week.
Part 2
My best friends birthday! a surprise party and a surprised guest ME. My friend Matyla and I have been planning this for a while and I was so happy when my mum said yes this would be the first time I’ve seen them months which might not sound long to you but in a girls world it’s like forever.
Now I wondering will our plan work or be a complete disaster. Why I called my story a triple threat is because I’m doing three things a once ohh did I forget to mention it a holiday as well but I’ll be the only one NOT at school.
I really hope our plan works and Brooke has the best birthday ever, Nan is happy to be home and I have a great holiday stay tuned for more as I will be giving you a full update next week.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Step over Olympics and come through Paralympics. Paralympics are different to the Olympics in some ways they are for people who have disabilities.
The paralympics consist of all sports the paralympics are a major international multi sport event for people with physical disabilities this includes mobility disabilities, amputations, blindness and cerebral palsy which is a muscle disease.
Paralympics have a wide variety of disabilities that Paralympics athletes have trained to do. This is not your ordinary sport really its far from different but in the same way work their but off the achieve.
I hope that if I was an Olympian that I would not give up even if I has a disability.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
The Final Second Counts
This week the year 7 and 8 girls had their Basketball tournament where we could really show off our talented skills. We had to try our very best to work together as a team or not.
Baradene was our first school to play against, we were nervous but at the same time we were eager to win. The whistle blew and we were ready to eliminate them. Oshania scored the first shoot and we all screamed excitedly on the court. We got the first score but Baradene knew that they had to step up their game. Halftime went, we were all nervous they had the lead from the first half. As the second half had started we got more shoots and the buzzer went off, we had claimed victory for our first game.
Screaming and yelling we wanted to win this so it could put us into the finals. Our shooting was good their shooting was good they had defence it was a tie the ref said we had to have a shoot out the other team went first. We both got it in and then they both lost.Finally the other team missed as Oshania got it in we went into the finals. We were through to the finals, but we got one more school to challenge.
The Finals, it came down to us and Churchill park.
They were really good and we had previously faced them and lost. The game started it was pretty intense and you could tell the score was gonna be close it was halftime we were leading but not for long they stepped up their game there was 20 SECONDS left in the game and they scored we tried to get that ball in the basket but beep it was over we had came seconds in the tournament. But didn’t worry we still have another chance to win at the interzones in a couple of week so stay tuned and to see what we came.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
My Friends
My friends... they’re loving, caring and friendly.
There always there for me when I’m down, plus they help me with important stuff. There the ones who keep me grounded, without them I don’t know what I would do. Everyone has a best friend but for me, It can’t be one or two there's gotta be more, because when I moved away from levin I became friends with many more people.
My Auckland friends
My first visit to Auckland was fun, and that was when I meet my first friend here, Erin we meet at tennis and then she started coming to my mums fitness classes.
My next friend was Lucy who was my old next door neighbour I remember when our families had dinner together we clicked straight away and we ended up making a friend magazine. Now school time My first day and I already had some good friends Tui, Jasmine and Ramona then after a couple of weeks I had way more friends named Tyla, Tule, Andrea...and lots more.
My Levin friends.
Brooke, Mania and Aleesha my best friends we meet on the first day of school when we were year 1’s and we were almost in the same class the whole time we were at school. When we were split we became far apart but then last year we were reunited. Everytime I go back to Levin I will always be at one of their houses or at mine.
My friends are like sisters to me but in so many ways, they act the same and sometimes It’s like they think, the same!!! There even crazier than me at times but that’s what makes them my friends.
Thank-you to jasmine for editing my work click here if you would like to visit Jasmines blog.
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Olympic Review
New Zealand has 9 medals on the table and is placed at number 17 in the world, which is only six behind Australia who are placed at number 11. While people’s republic of China take the lead.
New Zealand have Amazing athletes who hold world records and Olympic records. Some of our great athletes like Valerie Adams who won SILVER in shot put. GOLD winning rowers Hamish Bond, Mahe Drysdale, Eric Murphy, Nathan Cohen and Joseph Sullivan all did extremely well and cyclist Simon van Velthooven who came third equal and won BRONZE.
Rowers Peter Taylor and Storm Uru are competing for to final lightweight doubles. Triathlete Andrea Hewitt who will go into her race being world number one and also expected to win.
Our Athletes have been so amazing even though some didn’t win they still tried their hardest and we are all so proud and maybe we can do better next time.Well done guys you all were amazing. Kia kaha stay strong.
Friday, 3 August 2012
Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik and louis Tomlinson.
Together they are.
I love this song and I decided to post It just because
I can’t get it out of my head and I hope
you love it as much as me.
That song is
Save You Tonight
I, I wanna save you wanna save
your heart tonight
he’ll only break you leave you torn
apart, oh
It’s a quarter three can’t sleep at
all your so overrated
If I told you jump I’d take the
fall and he wouldn’t take it
All that you wants under your
nose, yeah you should
open your eye’s but
stay closed, closed
I, I wanna save you wanna save
your heart tonight
he’ll only break you leave you torn
apart, oh
I can’t be your superman but
for you I’ll be superhuman
I, I wanna save ya, save ya,
save ya tonight
Oh, now your at home and he
don’t call cause he don’t
adore you to him you
you are just another
doll and I tried to
warn ya
All that you need has been right
here, here I can see that
your holding back those
tears, tears
I, I wanna save you wanna save
your heart tonight it
he’ll only break you leave you torn
apart, oh
I can’t be your superman but
for you I’ll be superhuman
I, I wanna save ya, save ya,
save ya tonight
Up ,up and away I’ll take you with me
Up ,up and away I’ll take you with me
I, I wanna save you wanna save
your heart tonight it
he’ll only break you leave you torn
apart, oh
I can’t be your superman but
for you I’ll be superhuman
I wanna save you, save you, save you tonight
I, I wanna save you, save you, save you tonight
I wanna save you, save you, save you tonight
Oh and plus I am in LOVE with ONE DIRECTION
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Olympics Opening Ceremony
Now over to you Tyler. Thanks Andrea. I’m at the opening ceremony here in London, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 at that’s the beginning of the opening ceremony..
The opening ceremony is a reflection of the London 2012 Olympics Games based on sports, inspiration, youth and urban transformation. The opening ceremony is a showcase the best of the host and nation. It also, features a parade of all nation and the highly anticipation of the Olympic, flame.
The opening ceremony is the kick off of the whole Olympics it’s a chance to show off all the countries and athletes as they parade through the stadium. Then It’s on, let the games begin.
This was Tyler Janssen reporting live from london 2012 Olympics. Back to you Andrea.
The opening ceremony is a reflection of the London 2012 Olympics Games based on sports, inspiration, youth and urban transformation. The opening ceremony is a showcase the best of the host and nation. It also, features a parade of all nation and the highly anticipation of the Olympic, flame.
The opening ceremony is the kick off of the whole Olympics it’s a chance to show off all the countries and athletes as they parade through the stadium. Then It’s on, let the games begin.
This was Tyler Janssen reporting live from london 2012 Olympics. Back to you Andrea.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Olympic Trampoline
The first trampoline was created by George Nissen and larry Griswold. They experimented by stretching the fabric for the tramp by using taut, (which is strong fabric) then stretch over the steel frame and coiled springs to hold the fabric down.
Trampolining is a competitive sport, in which is the same as gymnastics and acrobatics performed in the air and bouncing on a trampoline. This sport includes simple jumps, and getting as high as you possibly can, and trying to be the best.
I have learnt a lot about this sport and would like to try it myself. Only one day, 19 hours, and 45 minutes until it all begins.
Special thanks to Tyla Baker for helping me edit my work.
Friday, 20 July 2012
Hello, and welcome to this edition of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. Today, I’m going to be telling you all about the rings, and how this great event began. I know that you can’t phone in to my broadcast, but you can leave your thoughts in a comment. Without further ado, Ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you... “The Rings!
These babies come in all shapes and sizes well, only circles really. Africa, America, Europe, Oceania and wait for it Asia are all representatives of the five rings.The interlocking means bringing the countries together which is called “ The Olympic movement”.
Have you ever wondered how the Olympics started? well here it is folks.The first Olympic Games were held in Olympia Greece in 776 BC which means 776 years before Jesus was born. At that time the games were played in the honour of the Greek gods and after the great festival.
So ladies and gentlemen I’ m sorry but this is the last of my broadcast stay tuned for more news from the OLYMPICS.
These babies come in all shapes and sizes well, only circles really. Africa, America, Europe, Oceania and wait for it Asia are all representatives of the five rings.The interlocking means bringing the countries together which is called “ The Olympic movement”.
Have you ever wondered how the Olympics started? well here it is folks.The first Olympic Games were held in Olympia Greece in 776 BC which means 776 years before Jesus was born. At that time the games were played in the honour of the Greek gods and after the great festival.
So ladies and gentlemen I’ m sorry but this is the last of my broadcast stay tuned for more news from the OLYMPICS.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
This week’s piece of writing is a follow up from last terms My best piece of writing that I did about the holidays as well. I remember saying that I had to choose between superpass and My friend back in levin.
Well you might be wondering, well come on then tell us. I did the well kinda superpass it didn‘t turn out how I planned it to.
We did Rainbows end and crystal mountain and here’s why.
The herald said that you could do crystal mountain, Rangitoto, Rainbows end and Kelly Tarltons for $39 dollars per person but they were wrong. So we went to sky city to buy the passes but to find that they were $179 dollars per person and they said that the superpass wasn’t ever out and that article was dated back to 2005 so I think you can guess how mad we were.
Mad there’s only one word MAD but I’m kind of happy mumbling to myself ( hehe I don’t have to walk to the top of Rangitoto YAY). Those holidays were the best I hope I can do it again.
Friday, 29 June 2012
My Best Piece of Writing
This week our task is to write our best piece of writing it can be about what ever we want. So I decided to writing about the holidays and how much fun they will be. Maybe!
Here’s the good news, For my birthday, my friend Hannah bought me a superpass from Rainbows End. But wait it’s not just for Rainbows End you can go to Crystal Mountain, Butterfly Creek, Kelly Tarlton's, walking to the top of Rangitoto and also go up to the sky tower. I know what you're thinking right now, and it’s probably something like, WOW, what a lucky girl. I agree, but as I alluded to earlier, there are some potential problems with this wonderful gift.
What’s the bad news? Well, how do I choose between my best friend and doing all this fun stuff? It’s hard, but that is exactly what I’ve been asked to do. You might be thinking the super pass all the way but here’s why that’s not so easy. I want My friend Aleesha to come up to Auckland and do all that fun stuff with me but she won’t fly by herself. But now that I think about It really need to go down to Levin and see my nan before she leaves for Aussie.
Now the hard decision is the problem, do I choose to have an amazing fun ride or friends and family. Stayed tuned to find out
more after the holidays.
Special thanks to Mr Barks For helping my on this piece of writing.
Here’s the good news, For my birthday, my friend Hannah bought me a superpass from Rainbows End. But wait it’s not just for Rainbows End you can go to Crystal Mountain, Butterfly Creek, Kelly Tarlton's, walking to the top of Rangitoto and also go up to the sky tower. I know what you're thinking right now, and it’s probably something like, WOW, what a lucky girl. I agree, but as I alluded to earlier, there are some potential problems with this wonderful gift.
What’s the bad news? Well, how do I choose between my best friend and doing all this fun stuff? It’s hard, but that is exactly what I’ve been asked to do. You might be thinking the super pass all the way but here’s why that’s not so easy. I want My friend Aleesha to come up to Auckland and do all that fun stuff with me but she won’t fly by herself. But now that I think about It really need to go down to Levin and see my nan before she leaves for Aussie.
Now the hard decision is the problem, do I choose to have an amazing fun ride or friends and family. Stayed tuned to find out
more after the holidays.
Special thanks to Mr Barks For helping my on this piece of writing.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Waitarere Beach.

Now folks introducing you to my favourite place... Waitarere Beach! You might know this beach by the shipwreck hyderabad which sank and ended up on the waterfront but don’t try going there now cause all you’ll see is sand.
Waitarere beach brings back lots of memories for me. Memories like having a bach right by the water, rolling down the sand dunes with Moana and Charlie (my cousins) , riding the motorbike with kyle and having a mud fight with all the cuzzies. I especially enjoy the beach because my best friend Aleesha stayed there with me plenty of times and now we both love it so much.
Vincent Van Gogh is he particular to chose as an artist. The reason for it, it is just simply the way the picture flows and how he expressed his feeling in his art work. Especially by all the bright or dark colour to describe how he was felling.
Everyone has a special place that they’d like to be to just have fun!
Special thanks to Aleesha for taking the pic for me, Tyla for helping me by editing and reading over and over to get it perfect.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Angel Experiment reflective writing

This term we have been given the chance to do a novel study. We have been challenged with trying to understand this extended text with lots of new and exciting vocabulary. Mr Barks has asked us to respond to what we thought about each chapter and the vocabulary. To help us do this Mr Barks has been meeting with us and talking about the story so far.
I’d like to tell you a little bit about, the main characters in this story. They are not so normal, have a hard life, no parents and were created by mad scientists! Seriously...MAD SCIENTISTS! Their names are Gasman, Iggy, Nudge, Angel, Fang and last but not least Max the leader.
Max is well.. the mum she looks after them tells them what to do and keeps them under control and out of trouble. Gasman is the one who isn’t afraid to let it off one whether it’s silent and violent or loud and proud. Iggy well it’s sad to say this but he is blind the scientist tried to fix his night vision but something went wrong and now he is completely blind. Nudge well he’s just a plain old simple boy.
Angel is the youngest in the family and one special thing she can read minds. Fang is the second oldest he has always got Max’s back.
They were raised in a place, a school but not just any ordinary school, It’s really a lab where they were kept in cages because they weren’t normal. Oh and have I told you about the ERASERS well they were used as guards at the school they just wanted to well kill their family and now they’re off to get them. There running for their lives and now Angel the youngest, she is gone. The erasers have taken her and she is now back at the SCHOOL.
I really hope you have liked my version in this story and if. I suggest you read it, a special thanks to Ramona for helping me edit this piece of writing.
Stay tuned for more on this book.
Monday, 7 May 2012
My friends and I
See this picture... This is Sabi, Sabi a thai restaurant in Remuera. This is were my friends Lucy, Amber, Poppy and I went for dinner on Saturday night, for Lucy’s birthday.
Before that we were all at Lucy’s house where we played pass the passel, wrap the mummy in toilet paper and cut the chocolate game, where I lost. I only got one bit of chocolate at the end cause that was the only bit left. I know those games sound childish but they are still so much fun for eleven, twelve and thirteen year olds to play me being the youngest of course.
We all got dressed up with our dresses and our chucks and when we got there we went straight into the restaurant and sat at our table and ordered our meals but when we got them they were massive so we decided to share them. We went back to Lucy’s house and had dessert chocolate brownie and ice cream OML it was so good.
I think we all had a good time taking photos’ laughing and just being with each other because we hadn't seen each other since before the holidays. It was so fun can’t wait till next time.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
My Holiday
Holidays are the best time of the year for kids that is going away, seeing your friends are alot more fun. In my holiday I got on a plane and flew down to Wellington where my Nan came and picked me up to stay with her in the holidays.
My second day back I went and saw one of my best friends and she caught me up on all the goss. We went for a walk to see some more of our friend who just lived around the corner
and she had a swimming pool so even better on a hot day.
Then on Saturday we all went to watch my cousin race his stock car in Palmerston North there were a few crashes but it's always so.. fun. My favourite part of the night is always the sidecars were there are two people on a small motorbike one is driving and the other is hanging off the back almost touching the ground and trying to steer the bike and plus there’s no BRAKES. And the caravan derby were people use their old cars, old caravans and they just simply SMASH...
My second day back I went and saw one of my best friends and she caught me up on all the goss. We went for a walk to see some more of our friend who just lived around the corner
and she had a swimming pool so even better on a hot day.
Then on Saturday we all went to watch my cousin race his stock car in Palmerston North there were a few crashes but it's always so.. fun. My favourite part of the night is always the sidecars were there are two people on a small motorbike one is driving and the other is hanging off the back almost touching the ground and trying to steer the bike and plus there’s no BRAKES. And the caravan derby were people use their old cars, old caravans and they just simply SMASH...
Thursday, 26 April 2012
ART ALIVE is what we are learning about this term. Different types of artist and their styles that they like to paint or draw with. So far our class has had two sessions. Mr Barks has taught us about picasso which is seeing a picture from a different perspective where you can take a normal photo and change it to make it kinda weird but still really creative at the same time.
On Tuesday we had Mr Slade where he taught us about Oscar Claude Monet who is an impression painter where he paints a picture with little strokes and sometimes if done really well can look like a photo. So far I have liked them all and can’t wait for today's art activities.
ART ALIVE is what we are learning about this term. Different types of artist and their styles that they like to paint or draw with. So far our class has had two sessions. Mr Barks has taught us about picasso which is seeing a picture from a different perspective where you can take a normal photo and change it to make it kinda weird but still really creative at the same time.
On Tuesday we had Mr Slade where he taught us about Oscar Claude Monet who is an impression painter where he paints a picture with little strokes and sometimes if done really well can look like a photo. So far I have liked them all and can’t wait for today's art activities.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
studdy ladder post
I have previously learnt how to do square roots on studdy-ladder which is so good for me. At first I had to get Mr Barks to help me and give me a little mini lesson then I had a go and I got It after a little while.
Studdy-ladder help's you with the smiley faces on the side of your work red means you need to do it again yellow means your almost there but will have to do and green is you have completed it and can move on.
I really like studdy-ladder and am getting used to It thank-you to the creates of studdy-ladder It is a great web-site.
Studdy-ladder help's you with the smiley faces on the side of your work red means you need to do it again yellow means your almost there but will have to do and green is you have completed it and can move on.
I really like studdy-ladder and am getting used to It thank-you to the creates of studdy-ladder It is a great web-site.
Friday, 30 March 2012
Duffy book
Then she got here report card and it was all D's which is not good once her dad saw that he said right now no sports until you get our grades up so she did and got really good at reading.
Now look at Linda she is a very successful netball player for NZ and is going round schools in NZ handing out Duffy books and giving talks to all.
Thanks-you to the people who got these Duffy books for us.
Thursday, 22 March 2012
My friend Tule
My friend Tule is a really kind person. She is quite tall like a giraffe skinny like a twig has big brown eyes and dark brown hair she is very popular at our school with all our friends. She has been so kind to me this year luv ya girl..
Roses are red
violets are blue
you are my best friend am I yours to.

violets are blue
you are my best friend am I yours to.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
CAMP 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2012.......Mrs Nua waking us up saying hidie hi pt englang and of course the first one was slack so she would say hidie hi campers really loud on the mic and that really woke us all up so we got up and did jump jam.
Reapectiblez was my crew for camp we had a lot of activities to do for example Amazing race with Mr Barks and Mrs Langitupu. Tents, rollerblading and table tennis with with Mrs Squise
playing old school games with Mr Harris.
and cooking with scones with Mrs Nua.
Then the last day going to swimarama and seeing the one the only warriors
Friday, 2 March 2012
News review
Julia Gillard
priminester again
The votes were in the decision had been made Julia Gillard had managed to stay Australia’s priminister.
We all know Julia Gillard is is the leader of the labour party Australia and in that party is Kevin Rudd former priminester there has been some conflict between both of them both wanting to be the leader of the labour party but there can only be one leader so they had a party vote the end product was 70-33 to Julia Gillard so maybe those people that had voted for Kevin Rudd in that party must think that Kevin Rudd would be a stronger leader but they might want to watch their back cause I’m not sure that Julia Gillard would want anyone on her team if they don’t think that she is a strong enough leader so i wonder what the feature would be like for those how voted for Kevin Rudd would be like. Well just have to wait and see.
priminester again
The votes were in the decision had been made Julia Gillard had managed to stay Australia’s priminister.
We all know Julia Gillard is is the leader of the labour party Australia and in that party is Kevin Rudd former priminester there has been some conflict between both of them both wanting to be the leader of the labour party but there can only be one leader so they had a party vote the end product was 70-33 to Julia Gillard so maybe those people that had voted for Kevin Rudd in that party must think that Kevin Rudd would be a stronger leader but they might want to watch their back cause I’m not sure that Julia Gillard would want anyone on her team if they don’t think that she is a strong enough leader so i wonder what the feature would be like for those how voted for Kevin Rudd would be like. Well just have to wait and see.
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