This term Mr Barks has introduced us to a new program called Reading eggs, Reading eggs is an online reading program which takes you through a series of stadium challenges,comprehension stories, and library books. Reading eggs all started with a test that we all had to take which put you into the right level, my level was 5-1 which my friend Andrea got as well but don’t worry we didn’t cheat because now I’m at 5-4 and Andrea is at 5-3.
In Reading eggs you can earn eggs which are like money where you can spend in the mall, you also hit targets which you get from completing a series of books or comprehension stories. In reading eggs there are many different things to do that I haven't quite mentioned yet you have your own apartment a mall and there is a writing press which we haven’t used yet and also we are NOT allowed to use the mall unless we have free time.
The picture above shows the floating island which is the home page where you can access everything plus see how many eggs you have and how many targets you have hit.Our teacher Mr Barks likes to check up on our work and how much we have been progressing with our learning.
Each day we have to do one comprehension, one of all the stadium challenges and a minimum 2 books a day.
I think that if our class keeps going with reading eggs we will get better and achieve more in our reading.